Wednesday 11 July 2012

Different People

     Ok so today I'm going to talk about my swimming lessons. There is actually a major lesson that is involved in my little story which I will get back to later.
     So first of all I'd just like to tell you a little bit about my swimming lessons. Ok so I'm not a very competive swimmer! I think all you practically need to know is how to swim and come up for breath. So I have two swimming lesson instructors since they swith at half time.
     One's name is Alica and I don't remember the name of the other one. Personally I like Alica better. Why? Well because unlike the other one she doesn't treat me any different. All of the other kids are in Level 3 while I'm in Level 2. Anyways Alica makes sure I'm not treated any different while the othe instructor- who we'll cal Niki- makes sure I go after everyone else to make sure I have extra support even though I'm capable of doing what the others are!
      I think it's kinda unfair but I guess we all have to accept the fact that everyone's different. What I wish though was that "Niki" believed in me. believed that I could achieve what the others were doing. Well for the time being I guess that extra support is nice. We all have to learn to get along with others! What would the world be like if we didn't?

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