Tuesday 10 July 2012

Movin On!

     YAY! Finally my dad gave me a haircut! It happened today. My dad promised me and this time he fulfilled it! Because of my haircut I don't feel so hot anymore and I love my haircut!!! I would just like to thank my dad and say sorry! Sorry that I ever doubted you :(
     Now I feel like deleting all of my old posts because finally I got what I wanted. I really want to delete my old post but if I delete them then I'll rewrite them when I'm sad and delete all my happy posts. But that's the thing... I have to keep all the old posts as a sign of my old self. I can't erase the feelings that I've had.It's always better if you just move on. Things can only get better if you start again or just simply move on. You can't change what has already happened. It's not possible. You just have to change your way of thinking and start with a fresh mind. That's what today has taught me.
     I also had an experience yesterday which was like this. I was giving advice though. You see my uncle contacted me on Facebook and told me that someone had stole his $200.  He told me that he was sad that he had lost his hard earned money. Well I was thinking that this was my chance to give someone advice. I told him that it wasn't his fault and he had no right to be sorry for himself. He told me that it was his hard earned money though. I replied to him saying that I understood but he could work harder and redeem even more money.
     I was very happy right then. Not only because I had made someone happy but because I had given advice to an adult. I had made a difference in someone's life. It goes to show that anyone can make a difference! I sure had! Anyone can! But just remember the important part of this blog post...You have to move on from sadness and misery. If you don't know how to move on then talk to someone! You can even leave a comment. Life is full of mistakes and we have to move on!

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